- Front Matter
- Contents
- 1. Whetting Your Appetite
- 2. Using the Python Interpreter
- 3. An Informal Introduction to Python
- 4. More Control Flow Tools
- 5. Data Structures
- 6. Modules
- 7. Input and Output
- 8. Errors and Exceptions
- 9. Classes
- 10. Brief Tour of the Standard Library
- 10.1 Operating System Interface
- 10.2 File Wildcards
- 10.3 Command Line Arguments
- 10.4 Error Output Redirection and Program Termination
- 10.5 String Pattern Matching
- 10.6 Mathematics
- 10.7 Internet Access
- 10.8 Dates and Times
- 10.9 Data Compression
- 10.10 Performance Measurement
- 10.11 Quality Control
- 10.12 Batteries Included
- 11. What Now?
- A. Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution
- B. Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
- C. History and License
- D. Glossary
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Lexical analysis
- 3. Data model
- 4. Execution model
- 5. Expressions
- 6. Simple statements
- 6.1 Expression statements
- 6.2 Assert statements
- 6.3 Assignment statements
- 6.4 The pass statement
- 6.5 The del statement
- 6.6 The print statement
- 6.7 The return statement
- 6.8 The yield statement
- 6.9 The raise statement
- 6.10 The break statement
- 6.11 The continue statement
- 6.12 The import statement
- 6.13 The global statement
- 6.14 The exec statement
- 7. Compound statements
- 8. Top-level components
- A. History and License
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Built-In Objects
- 3. Python Runtime Services
- 3.1 sys -- System-specific parameters and functions
- 3.2 gc -- Garbage Collector interface
- 3.3 weakref -- Weak references
- 3.4 fpectl -- Floating point exception control
- 3.5 atexit -- Exit handlers
- 3.6 types -- Names for built-in types
- 3.7 UserDict -- Class wrapper for dictionary objects
- 3.8 UserList -- Class wrapper for list objects
- 3.9 UserString -- Class wrapper for string objects
- 3.10 operator -- Standard operators as functions.
- 3.11 inspect -- Inspect live objects
- 3.12 traceback -- Print or retrieve a stack traceback
- 3.13 linecache -- Random access to text lines
- 3.14 pickle -- Python object serialization
- 3.15 cPickle -- A faster pickle
- 3.16 copy_reg -- Register pickle support functions
- 3.17 shelve -- Python object persistence
- 3.18 copy -- Shallow and deep copy operations
- 3.19 marshal -- Internal Python object serialization
- 3.20 warnings -- Warning control
- 3.21 imp -- Access the import internals
- 3.22 zipimport -- Import modules from Zip archives
- 3.23 pkgutil -- Package extension utility
- 3.24 code -- Interpreter base classes
- 3.25 codeop -- Compile Python code
- 3.26 pprint -- Data pretty printer
- 3.27 repr -- Alternate repr() implementation
- 3.28 new -- Creation of runtime internal objects
- 3.29 site -- Site-specific configuration hook
- 3.30 user -- User-specific configuration hook
- 3.31 __builtin__ -- Built-in functions
- 3.32 __main__ -- Top-level script environment
- 3.33 __future__ -- Future statement definitions
- 4. String Services
- 4.1 string -- Common string operations
- 4.2 re -- Regular expression operations
- 4.3 struct -- Interpret strings as packed binary data
- 4.4 difflib -- Helpers for computing deltas
- 4.5 fpformat -- Floating point conversions
- 4.6 StringIO -- Read and write strings as files
- 4.7 cStringIO -- Faster version of StringIO
- 4.8 textwrap -- Text wrapping and filling
- 4.9 codecs -- Codec registry and base classes
- 4.10 unicodedata -- Unicode Database
- 4.11 stringprep -- Internet String Preparation
- 5. Miscellaneous Services
- 5.1 pydoc -- Documentation generator and online help system
- 5.2 doctest -- Test docstrings represent reality
- 5.3 unittest -- Unit testing framework
- 5.4 test -- Regression tests package for Python
- 5.5 test.test_support -- Utility functions for tests
- 5.6 math -- Mathematical functions
- 5.7 cmath -- Mathematical functions for complex numbers
- 5.8 random -- Generate pseudo-random numbers
- 5.9 whrandom -- Pseudo-random number generator
- 5.10 bisect -- Array bisection algorithm
- 5.11 heapq -- Heap queue algorithm
- 5.12 array -- Efficient arrays of numeric values
- 5.13 sets -- Unordered collections of unique elements
- 5.14 itertools -- Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
- 5.15 ConfigParser -- Configuration file parser
- 5.16 fileinput -- Iterate over lines from multiple input streams
- 5.17 xreadlines -- Efficient iteration over a file
- 5.18 calendar -- General calendar-related functions
- 5.19 cmd -- Support for line-oriented command interpreters
- 5.20 shlex -- Simple lexical analysis
- 6. Generic Operating System Services
- 6.1 os -- Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
- 6.2 os.path -- Common pathname manipulations
- 6.3 dircache -- Cached directory listings
- 6.4 stat -- Interpreting stat() results
- 6.5 statcache -- An optimization of os.stat()
- 6.6 statvfs -- Constants used with os.statvfs()
- 6.7 filecmp -- File and Directory Comparisons
- 6.8 popen2 -- Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
- 6.9 datetime -- Basic date and time types
- 6.10 time -- Time access and conversions
- 6.11 sched -- Event scheduler
- 6.12 mutex -- Mutual exclusion support
- 6.13 getpass -- Portable password input
- 6.14 curses -- Terminal handling for character-cell displays
- 6.15 curses.textpad -- Text input widget for curses programs
- 6.16 curses.wrapper -- Terminal handler for curses programs
- 6.17 curses.ascii -- Utilities for ASCII characters
- 6.18 curses.panel -- A panel stack extension for curses.
- 6.19 getopt -- Parser for command line options
- 6.20 optparse -- Powerful parser for command line options.
- 6.21 tempfile -- Generate temporary files and directories
- 6.22 errno -- Standard errno system symbols
- 6.23 glob -- Unix style pathname pattern expansion
- 6.24 fnmatch -- Unix filename pattern matching
- 6.25 shutil -- High-level file operations
- 6.26 locale -- Internationalization services
- 6.27 gettext -- Multilingual internationalization services
- 6.28 logging -- Logging facility for Python
- 7. Optional Operating System Services
- 7.1 signal -- Set handlers for asynchronous events
- 7.2 socket -- Low-level networking interface
- 7.3 select -- Waiting for I/O completion
- 7.4 thread -- Multiple threads of control
- 7.5 threading -- Higher-level threading interface
- 7.6 dummy_thread -- Drop-in replacement for the thread module
- 7.7 dummy_threading -- Drop-in replacement for the threading module
- 7.8 Queue -- A synchronized queue class
- 7.9 mmap -- Memory-mapped file support
- 7.10 anydbm -- Generic access to DBM-style databases
- 7.11 dbhash -- DBM-style interface to the BSD database library
- 7.12 whichdb -- Guess which DBM module created a database
- 7.13 bsddb -- Interface to Berkeley DB library
- 7.14 dumbdbm -- Portable DBM implementation
- 7.15 zlib -- Compression compatible with gzip
- 7.16 gzip -- Support for gzip files
- 7.17 bz2 -- Compression compatible with bzip2
- 7.18 zipfile -- Work with ZIP archives
- 7.19 tarfile -- Read and write tar archive files
- 7.20 readline -- GNU readline interface
- 7.21 rlcompleter -- Completion function for GNU readline
- 8. Unix Specific Services
- 8.1 posix -- The most common POSIX system calls
- 8.2 pwd -- The password database
- 8.3 grp -- The group database
- 8.4 crypt -- Function to check Unix passwords
- 8.5 dl -- Call C functions in shared objects
- 8.6 dbm -- Simple ``database'' interface
- 8.7 gdbm -- GNU's reinterpretation of dbm
- 8.8 termios -- POSIX style tty control
- 8.9 TERMIOS -- Constants used with the termios module
- 8.10 tty -- Terminal control functions
- 8.11 pty -- Pseudo-terminal utilities
- 8.12 fcntl -- The fcntl() and ioctl() system calls
- 8.13 pipes -- Interface to shell pipelines
- 8.14 posixfile -- File-like objects with locking support
- 8.15 resource -- Resource usage information
- 8.16 nis -- Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages)
- 8.17 syslog -- Unix syslog library routines
- 8.18 commands -- Utilities for running commands
- 9. The Python Debugger
- 10. The Python Profiler
- 10.1 Introduction to the profiler
- 10.2 How Is This Profiler Different From The Old Profiler?
- 10.3 Instant Users Manual
- 10.4 What Is Deterministic Profiling?
- 10.5 Reference Manual
- 10.6 Limitations
- 10.7 Calibration
- 10.8 Extensions -- Deriving Better Profilers
- 10.9 hotshot -- High performance logging profiler
- 10.10 timeit -- Measure execution time of small code snippets
- 11. Internet Protocols and Support
- 11.1 webbrowser -- Convenient Web-browser controller
- 11.2 cgi -- Common Gateway Interface support.
- 11.3 cgitb -- Traceback manager for CGI scripts
- 11.4 urllib -- Open arbitrary resources by URL
- 11.5 urllib2 -- extensible library for opening URLs
- 11.5.1 Request Objects
- 11.5.2 OpenerDirector Objects
- 11.5.3 BaseHandler Objects
- 11.5.4 HTTPRedirectHandler Objects
- 11.5.5 ProxyHandler Objects
- 11.5.6 HTTPPasswordMgr Objects
- 11.5.7 AbstractBasicAuthHandler Objects
- 11.5.8 HTTPBasicAuthHandler Objects
- 11.5.9 ProxyBasicAuthHandler Objects
- 11.5.10 AbstractDigestAuthHandler Objects
- 11.5.11 HTTPDigestAuthHandler Objects
- 11.5.12 ProxyDigestAuthHandler Objects
- 11.5.13 HTTPHandler Objects
- 11.5.14 HTTPSHandler Objects
- 11.5.15 FileHandler Objects
- 11.5.16 FTPHandler Objects
- 11.5.17 CacheFTPHandler Objects
- 11.5.18 GopherHandler Objects
- 11.5.19 UnknownHandler Objects
- 11.5.20 Examples
- 11.6 httplib -- HTTP protocol client
- 11.7 ftplib -- FTP protocol client
- 11.8 gopherlib -- Gopher protocol client
- 11.9 poplib -- POP3 protocol client
- 11.10 imaplib -- IMAP4 protocol client
- 11.11 nntplib -- NNTP protocol client
- 11.12 smtplib -- SMTP protocol client
- 11.13 telnetlib -- Telnet client
- 11.14 urlparse -- Parse URLs into components
- 11.15 SocketServer -- A framework for network servers
- 11.16 BaseHTTPServer -- Basic HTTP server
- 11.17 SimpleHTTPServer -- Simple HTTP request handler
- 11.18 CGIHTTPServer -- CGI-capable HTTP request handler
- 11.19 Cookie -- HTTP state management
- 11.20 xmlrpclib -- XML-RPC client access
- 11.21 SimpleXMLRPCServer -- Basic XML-RPC server
- 11.22 DocXMLRPCServer -- Self-documenting XML-RPC server
- 11.23 asyncore -- Asynchronous socket handler
- 11.24 asynchat -- Asynchronous socket command/response handler
- 12. Internet Data Handling
- 12.1 formatter -- Generic output formatting
- 12.2 email -- An email and MIME handling package
- 12.2.1 Representing an email message
- 12.2.2 Parsing email messages
- 12.2.3 Generating MIME documents
- 12.2.4 Creating email and MIME objects from scratch
- 12.2.5 Internationalized headers
- 12.2.6 Representing character sets
- 12.2.7 Encoders
- 12.2.8 Exception classes
- 12.2.9 Miscellaneous utilities
- 12.2.10 Iterators
- 12.2.11 Differences from email v1 (up to Python 2.2.1)
- 12.2.12 Differences from mimelib
- 12.2.13 Examples
- 12.3 mailcap -- Mailcap file handling.
- 12.4 mailbox -- Read various mailbox formats
- 12.5 mhlib -- Access to MH mailboxes
- 12.6 mimetools -- Tools for parsing MIME messages
- 12.7 mimetypes -- Map filenames to MIME types
- 12.8 MimeWriter -- Generic MIME file writer
- 12.9 mimify -- MIME processing of mail messages
- 12.10 multifile -- Support for files containing distinct parts
- 12.11 rfc822 -- Parse RFC 2822 mail headers
- 12.12 base64 -- Encode and decode MIME base64 data
- 12.13 binascii -- Convert between binary and ASCII
- 12.14 binhex -- Encode and decode binhex4 files
- 12.15 quopri -- Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data
- 12.16 uu -- Encode and decode uuencode files
- 12.17 xdrlib -- Encode and decode XDR data
- 12.18 netrc -- netrc file processing
- 12.19 robotparser -- Parser for robots.txt
- 12.20 csv -- CSV File Reading and Writing
- 13. Structured Markup Processing Tools
- 13.1 HTMLParser -- Simple HTML and XHTML parser
- 13.2 sgmllib -- Simple SGML parser
- 13.3 htmllib -- A parser for HTML documents
- 13.4 htmlentitydefs -- Definitions of HTML general entities
- 13.5 xml.parsers.expat -- Fast XML parsing using Expat
- 13.6 xml.dom -- The Document Object Model API
- 13.7 xml.dom.minidom -- Lightweight DOM implementation
- 13.8 xml.dom.pulldom -- Support for building partial DOM trees
- 13.9 xml.sax -- Support for SAX2 parsers
- 13.10 xml.sax.handler -- Base classes for SAX handlers
- 13.11 xml.sax.saxutils -- SAX Utilities
- 13.12 xml.sax.xmlreader -- Interface for XML parsers
- 13.13 xmllib -- A parser for XML documents
- 14. Multimedia Services
- 14.1 audioop -- Manipulate raw audio data
- 14.2 imageop -- Manipulate raw image data
- 14.3 aifc -- Read and write AIFF and AIFC files
- 14.4 sunau -- Read and write Sun AU files
- 14.5 wave -- Read and write WAV files
- 14.6 chunk -- Read IFF chunked data
- 14.7 colorsys -- Conversions between color systems
- 14.8 rgbimg -- Read and write ``SGI RGB'' files
- 14.9 imghdr -- Determine the type of an image
- 14.10 sndhdr -- Determine type of sound file
- 14.11 ossaudiodev -- Access to OSS-compatible audio devices
- 15. Cryptographic Services
- 16. Graphical User Interfaces with Tk
- 17. Restricted Execution
- 18. Python Language Services
- 18.1 parser -- Access Python parse trees
- 18.2 symbol -- Constants used with Python parse trees
- 18.3 token -- Constants used with Python parse trees
- 18.4 keyword -- Testing for Python keywords
- 18.5 tokenize -- Tokenizer for Python source
- 18.6 tabnanny -- Detection of ambiguous indentation
- 18.7 pyclbr -- Python class browser support
- 18.8 py_compile -- Compile Python source files
- 18.9 compileall -- Byte-compile Python libraries
- 18.10 dis -- Disassembler for Python byte code
- 18.11 distutils -- Building and installing Python modules
- 19. Python compiler package
- 20. SGI IRIX Specific Services
- 20.1 al -- Audio functions on the SGI
- 20.2 AL -- Constants used with the al module
- 20.3 cd -- CD-ROM access on SGI systems
- 20.4 fl -- FORMS library for graphical user interfaces
- 20.5 FL -- Constants used with the fl module
- 20.6 flp -- Functions for loading stored FORMS designs
- 20.7 fm -- Font Manager interface
- 20.8 gl -- Graphics Library interface
- 20.9 DEVICE -- Constants used with the gl module
- 20.10 GL -- Constants used with the gl module
- 20.11 imgfile -- Support for SGI imglib files
- 20.12 jpeg -- Read and write JPEG files
- 21. SunOS Specific Services
- 22. MS Windows Specific Services
- A. Undocumented Modules
- B. Reporting Bugs
- C. History and License
- Module Index
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Very High Level Layer
- 3. Reference Counting
- 4. Exception Handling
- 5. Utilities
- 6. Abstract Objects Layer
- 7. Concrete Objects Layer
- 8. Initialization, Finalization, and Threads
- 9. Memory Management
- 10. Object Implementation Support
- A. Reporting Bugs
- B. History and License
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
- 1. Extending Python with C or C++
- 1.1 A Simple Example
- 1.2 Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions
- 1.3 Back to the Example
- 1.4 The Module's Method Table and Initialization Function
- 1.5 Compilation and Linkage
- 1.6 Calling Python Functions from C
- 1.7 Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions
- 1.8 Keyword Parameters for Extension Functions
- 1.9 Building Arbitrary Values
- 1.10 Reference Counts
- 1.11 Writing Extensions in C++
- 1.12 Providing a C API for an Extension Module
- 2. Defining New Types
- 3. Building C and C++ Extensions with distutils
- 4. Building C and C++ Extensions on Windows
- 5. Embedding Python in Another Application
- A. Reporting Bugs
- B. History and License
- About this document ...
- __builtin__
- __future__
- __main__
- _winreg (Windows)
- aepack (Mac)
- aetools (Mac)
- aetypes (Mac)
- aifc
- al (IRIX)
- anydbm
- applesingle (Mac)
- array
- asynchat
- asyncore
- atexit
- audioop
- autoGIL (Mac)
- base64
- BaseHTTPServer
- Bastion
- binascii
- binhex
- bisect
- bsddb (Unix, Windows)
- buildtools (Mac)
- bz2
- calendar
- Carbon.AE (Mac)
- Carbon.AH (Mac)
- Carbon.App (Mac)
- Carbon.CaronEvt (Mac)
- Carbon.CF (Mac)
- Carbon.CG (Mac)
- Carbon.Cm (Mac)
- Carbon.Ctl (Mac)
- Carbon.Dlg (Mac)
- Carbon.Evt (Mac)
- Carbon.Fm (Mac)
- Carbon.Folder (Mac)
- Carbon.Help (Mac)
- Carbon.List (Mac)
- Carbon.Menu (Mac)
- Carbon.Mlte (Mac)
- Carbon.Qd (Mac)
- Carbon.Qdoffs (Mac)
- Carbon.Qt (Mac)
- Carbon.Res (Mac)
- Carbon.Scrap (Mac)
- Carbon.Snd (Mac)
- Carbon.TE (Mac)
- Carbon.Win (Mac)
- cd (IRIX)
- cfmfile (Mac)
- cgi
- cgitb
- chunk
- cmath
- cmd
- code
- codecs
- codeop
- ColorPicker (Mac)
- colorsys
- commands (Unix)
- compileall
- compiler
- compiler.ast
- compiler.visitor
- ConfigParser
- Cookie
- copy
- copy_reg
- cPickle
- crypt (Unix)
- cStringIO
- csv
- curses
- curses.ascii
- curses.panel
- curses.textpad
- curses.wrapper
- datetime
- dbhash (Unix, Windows)
- dbm (Unix)
- difflib
- dircache
- dis
- distutils
- dl (Unix)
- doctest
- DocXMLRPCServer
- dumbdbm
- dummy_thread
- dummy_threading
- EasyDialogs (Mac)
- email.Charset
- email.Encoders
- email.Errors
- email.Generator
- email.Header
- email.Iterators
- email.Message
- email.Parser
- email.Utils
- encodings.idna
- errno
- exceptions
- fcntl (Unix)
- filecmp
- fileinput
- findertools (Mac)
- fl (IRIX)
- flp (IRIX)
- fm (IRIX)
- fnmatch
- formatter
- fpectl (Unix)
- fpformat
- FrameWork (Mac)
- ftplib
- gc
- gdbm (Unix)
- gensuitemodule (Mac)
- getopt
- getpass
- gettext
- gl (IRIX)
- glob
- gopherlib
- grp (Unix)
- gzip
- heapq
- hmac
- hotshot
- hotshot.stats
- htmlentitydefs
- htmllib
- HTMLParser
- httplib
- ic (Mac)
- icopen (Mac)
- imageop
- imaplib
- imgfile (IRIX)
- imghdr
- imp
- inspect
- itertools
- jpeg (IRIX)
- keyword
- linecache
- locale
- logging
- mac (Mac)
- macerrors (Mac)
- macfs (Mac)
- MacOS (Mac)
- macostools (Mac)
- macpath
- macresource (Mac)
- mailbox
- mailcap
- marshal
- math
- md5
- mhlib
- mimetools
- mimetypes
- MimeWriter
- mimify
- MiniAEFrame (Mac)
- mkcwproject (Mac)
- mmap
- mpz
- msvcrt (Windows)
- multifile
- mutex
- Nav (Mac)
- netrc
- new
- nis (UNIX)
- nntplib
- nsremote (Mac)
- operator
- optparse
- os
- os.path
- ossaudiodev (Linux, FreeBSD)
- parser
- pdb
- pickle
- pipes (Unix)
- PixMapWrapper (Mac)
- pkgutil
- popen2 (Unix, Windows)
- poplib
- posix (Unix)
- posixfile (Unix)
- pprint
- preferences (Mac)
- profile
- pstats
- pty (IRIX, Linux)
- pwd (Unix)
- py_compile
- py_resource (Mac)
- pyclbr
- pydoc
- pythonprefs (Mac)
- Queue
- quietconsole (Mac)
- quopri
- random
- re
- readline (Unix)
- repr
- resource (Unix)
- rexec
- rfc822
- rgbimg
- rlcompleter (Unix)
- robotparser
- rotor
- sched
- ScrolledText (Tk)
- select
- sets
- sgmllib
- sha
- shelve
- shlex
- shutil
- signal
- SimpleHTTPServer
- SimpleXMLRPCServer
- site
- smtplib
- sndhdr
- socket
- SocketServer
- stat
- statcache
- statvfs
- string
- StringIO
- stringprep
- struct
- sunau
- sunaudiodev (SunOS)
- symbol
- sys
- syslog (Unix)
- tabnanny
- tarfile
- telnetlib
- tempfile
- TERMIOS (Unix)
- termios (Unix)
- test
- test.test_support
- textwrap
- thread
- threading
- time
- timeit
- Tix
- Tkinter
- token
- tokenize
- traceback
- tty (Unix)
- turtle (Tk)
- types
- unicodedata
- unittest
- urllib
- urllib2
- urlparse
- user
- UserDict
- UserList
- UserString
- uu
- videoreader (Mac)
- W (Mac)
- warnings
- waste (Mac)
- wave
- weakref
- webbrowser
- whichdb
- whrandom
- winsound (Windows)
- xdrlib
- xml.dom
- xml.dom.minidom
- xml.dom.pulldom
- xml.parsers.expat
- xml.sax
- xml.sax.handler
- xml.sax.saxutils
- xml.sax.xmlreader
- xmllib
- xmlrpclib
- xreadlines
- zipfile
- zipimport
- zlib