- Front Matter
- Contents
1. Whetting Your Appetite
2. Using the Python Interpreter
3. An Informal Introduction to Python
4. More Control Flow Tools
5. Data Structures
6. Modules
7. Input and Output
8. Errors and Exceptions
9. Classes
- 10. What Now?
A. Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
1. Introduction
2. Lexical analysis
3. Data model
4. Execution model
5. Expressions
6. Simple statements
- 6.1 Expression statements
- 6.2 Assert statements
- 6.3 Assignment statements
- 6.4 The pass statement
- 6.5 The del statement
- 6.6 The print statement
- 6.7 The return statement
- 6.8 The raise statement
- 6.9 The break statement
- 6.10 The continue statement
- 6.11 The import statement
- 6.12 The global statement
- 6.13 The exec statement
7. Compound statements
8. Top-level components
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
2. Built-in Types, Exceptions and Functions
3. Python Services
- 3.1 Built-in Module sys
- 3.2 Standard Module types
- 3.3 Standard Module UserDict
- 3.4 Standard Module UserList
- 3.5 Built-in Module operator
- 3.6 Standard Module traceback
- 3.7 Standard Module pickle
- 3.8 Built-in Module cPickle
- 3.9 Standard Module copy_reg
- 3.10 Standard Module shelve
- 3.11 Standard Module copy
- 3.12 Built-in Module marshal
3.13 Built-in Module imp
3.14 Built-in Module parser
- 3.15 Standard Module symbol
- 3.16 Standard Module token
- 3.17 Standard Module keyword
- 3.18 Standard Module code
3.19 Standard Module pprint
3.20 Standard Module dis
- 3.21 Standard Module site
- 3.22 Standard Module user
- 3.23 Built-in Module __builtin__
- 3.24 Built-in Module __main__
4. String Services
5. Miscellaneous Services
6. Generic Operating System Services
7. Optional Operating System Services
8. Unix Specific Services
- 8.1 Built-in Module posix
- 8.2 Standard Module posixpath
- 8.3 Built-in Module pwd
- 8.4 Built-in Module grp
- 8.5 Built-in Module crypt
- 8.6 Built-in Module dbm
- 8.7 Built-in Module gdbm
8.8 Built-in Module termios
- 8.9 Standard Module TERMIOS
- 8.10 Built-in Module fcntl
- 8.11 Standard Module posixfile
8.12 Built-in Module resource
- 8.13 Built-in Module syslog
- 8.14 Standard Module stat
8.15 Standard Module popen2
- 8.16 Standard Module commands
9. The Python Debugger
10. The Python Profiler
11. Internet and WWW Services
11.1 Standard Module cgi
- 11.2 Standard Module urllib
11.3 Standard Module httplib
11.4 Standard Module ftplib
- 11.5 Standard Module gopherlib
11.6 Standard Module poplib
11.7 Standard Module imaplib
11.8 Standard Module nntplib
11.9 Standard Module smtplib
- 11.10 Standard Module urlparse
- 11.11 Standard Module sgmllib
- 11.12 Standard Module htmllib
- 11.13 Standard Module xmllib
11.14 Standard Module formatter
11.15 Standard Module rfc822
11.16 Standard Module mimetools
11.17 Standard Module multifile
11.18 Standard Module binhex
- 11.19 Standard Module uu
- 11.20 Built-in Module binascii
11.21 Standard Module xdrlib
- 11.22 Standard Module mailcap
- 11.23 Standard Module mimetypes
- 11.24 Standard Module base64
- 11.25 Standard Module quopri
- 11.26 Standard Module SocketServer
11.27 Standard Module mailbox
- 11.28 Standard Module mimify
- 11.29 Standard Module BaseHTTPServer
12. Restricted Execution
13. Multimedia Services
14. Cryptographic Services
15. SGI IRIX Specific Services
16. SunOS Specific Services
17. Undocumented Modules
- 17.1 Frameworks; somewhat harder to document, but well worth the effort
- 17.2 Stuff useful to a lot of people, including the CGI crowd
- 17.3 Miscellaneous useful utilities
- 17.4 Parsing Python
- 17.5 Platform specific modules
- 17.6 Code objects and files, debugger etc.
- 17.7 Multimedia
- 17.8 Oddities
- 17.9 Obsolete
- 17.10 Extension modules
- Module Index
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
1. Introduction
- 2. The Very High Level Layer
- 3. Reference Counting
4. Exception Handling
5. Utilities
6. Abstract Objects Layer
7. Concrete Objects Layer
8. Initialization, Finalization, and Threads
- 9. Defining New Object Types
- 10. Debugging
- Index
- About this document ...
- Front Matter
- Contents
1. Extending Python with C or C++ code
- 1.1 A Simple Example
- 1.2 Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions
- 1.3 Back to the Example
- 1.4 The Module's Method Table and Initialization Function
- 1.5 Compilation and Linkage
- 1.6 Calling Python Functions From C
- 1.7 Format Strings for PyArg_ParseTuple()
- 1.8 Keyword Parsing with PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()
- 1.9 The Py_BuildValue() Function
1.10 Reference Counts
- 1.11 Writing Extensions in C++
2. Embedding Python in another application
3. Dynamic Loading
- About this document ...